How to start affiliate marketing?

               How to start affiliate marketing 2020? we have many answers but today we were telling one answer that is amazon affiliate marketing.

you were heard about affiliate marketing. it is nothing that you will sell another seller's products in any way through online that is called affiliate marketing and you should get the commission for that sale.

many peoples ask me that " yes I understand it. but how to start it "

             There are tons of ways and websites to start affiliate marketing and affiliate program. The best way that I prefer in 2020 that is amazon affiliate marketing. most of the people choose amazon to do affiliate program.

               so today I am telling you that how to start affiliate marketing in amazon affiliate program.

you can make affiliate marketing in many ways like websites, blogs, youtube channels, social media, etc.
Today we were looking to start affiliate marketing through websites and blogs with a step-by-step guide and things like youtube, social media are can be described in upcoming articles.

How to start amazon affiliate program?

                            To start affiliate marketing, first of all, you should make a website or blog. I will explain it step-by-step.

      1. Find the niche-

                           To start a website you should find a profitable niche for your blog ( make an idea of                             what you are publishing in the blog ). that niche should have able to purchase                                       something.

Eg:- you should make a blog for review for the smartphone. then you have to sell the products like smartphone, its accessories, etc on that blog.

      2. Make visitors for your website-

                             After starting the blog or website the next step has been to make visitors on your                                   site. to make more visitors you should make relevant content on your site. I have                                 recently published an article in the blogging section check it out to get know                                  ' How to write more relevant content '@@@@@@

      3. Make an account of amazon affiliate-

                          The next step has to make an account on amazon affiliate program. it is so easy to                                 make it. first of all, you should make your personal profile with a password and                                   your website address after that you fill the payment information and tax registration                             to use amazon affiliate. To get the guide of starting an account on amazon affiliate                               check this link

       4. Find suitable products for your website-

                          After creating an account you should select the correct products that you want to sell                            on your website. if you choose the right product your chance for sale has been                                      increased.

Eg:- where you make a website or blog that depending on electronics. you can select the electronics components available in amazon.

       5. Get the link of the product-

                           After choosing the product click on it and you will get a link. Then click the short                                 link then the link is optimized as a short one.

      6. Publish the product on your site-


                       After getting the link you can paste it on your blog or website. if you want to know                               how to paste the link on your blogger site or WordPress site. if you want it please click                         the link below. I should explain it briefly in that article.


                       After pasting it you would be seen the product has published on to your site.

         7. Make more traffic to your websites-

                    The final and the important step is to make more traffic ( it means more visitors ) to your                      site. The report according to 2019 that every affiliate should make about 3 sales in every                      1000 traffic. so you should make more traffic you get more sales and get more money. I                        would make an article in 'Grow your traffic section' @@@@ explaining 'how to make                        unlimited traffic to your website' @@@@ you can check out it.

How much can we earn from affiliate marketing?

                            Every beginner should ask this question from my experience I should tell you that I have earned up to $1000 a month from affiliate marketing. the income or payment will differ for the product you selected. The amazon offers that we will get 1% to 5% as the commission from one product that depending upon your experience for example:- you are an advanced affiliate in amazon you have shipped a product worth $2000 then you will get a commission of $100 as much. in that's a way you will make 10 sales at a month you will get $1000 as an income of that month. the sales are only depending upon your traffic. you should make more traffic you will get more sales.

To know more about full set up of amazon affiliate to blogger or Wordpress click the link below

so I hope that you will get the knowledge for How to start affiliate marketing. Please leave the comment if you get it. I would make more advanced tips for affiliate marketing in this section. so please check it regularly to make knowledge with affiliate marketing and a lot more.
