Sources of unlimited traffic

how to increase website traffic
          If you have a stunning website then you would know that ' what is website traffic? '. if you have a website or blog you should write relevant content on it, then you should think if that ' how to make money with it?'

To make money with your website or blog you should need one more thing, that is website traffic ( visitors to your website ). If you have an average of 1000 traffic per day then you should make up to $5 to $50 ( from Google AdSense or any other advertising or affiliate platforms ).

Then the next thing you should think that ' how to make traffic'.

           So today we were looking for the 7 main sources to get unlimited traffic.
           But before discussing it you should know, what are the different types of traffic you should                 get.

There are 5 types of main traffic, they are:
  • Direct traffic
  • Referrals traffic
  • Organic traffic
  • Social traffic
  • Paid traffic
(we will discuss each and everyone in upcoming articles.)

So we are discussing that which are the 7 sources to get these 5 types of website traffic.

so let's start 

1. SEO -

               You should hear about SEO ( search engine optimization ). This is the main way of getting organic traffic to your website. search engine optimization means that to optimize your webpage to the top of Google and other search engine search results. Means: if you have a targeted keyword for your webpage, you should add it properly. After publishing your page you would search that keyword in google then you see that your page is at the top ten. Then your page is said to be SEO friendly. But it is not easy to get a top ranking in a targeted keyword. It's depending on the competition of your keyword. So you want to know 'how to increase your website ranking?'
we will post articles for SEO growth as soon as possible stay tuned to get it.

2. Social media -

               Social media is the source of getting social traffic and it is the most powerful traffic. There are 3 social media that preserve more traffic than any other.

They are:

  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter

You can get social traffic by posting on social media and sharing on social media.

          you can be posting a post with your webpage link in your Facebook and your friends would also visit it and click that link.

          At the same time, you can use the sharing button on your webpage to get social traffic through social sharing.

{Explaining how to get social media traffic with all of the available social media in upcoming articles.}

3. Backlinks -
            Backlinks are the way of making a high quantity of traffic because it offers you two types of traffic they are organic traffic and referral traffic. Then you think that how can it makes two types of traffic but before knowing it you must know what is backlinks. Backlinks are links that connected your site to another website.

I will explain it,
                   Suppose you have a site and your friend have one. your friend would publish the link of your site in his articles within a text, link or an image. Then you will get a backlink. if a page visitors visit your friend's site and see your link, then he clicks that link. Then he redirects to your site.
This type of traffic is known as referral traffic.

On the other hand, when your backlink will increase your SEO ranking will be also increased. in that manner, you will get organic traffic.

There are two types of backlinks: Dofollow and Nofollow.
And also tells you how to increase your backlinks in the next article.

4. Guest post -

             The guest post is also like a backlink building. A guest post simply means that publish an article on other websites and add your link to it. then the visitors in that site were redirected to your site. But before, you should take permission from that site owner. This is an easy way to make unlimited traffic to your website. At first, find their personal email and send an email to request them to give permission to write a guest post. this is another way to get referral traffic to your website.

5. Email marketing - 

              The word Email marketing means marketing your product through email. In blogging marketing your page link through email and earn traffic. When you can send 1000 emails per day you will get approximately 500 traffic in a day. Email marketing is the main source of direct traffic. The traffic is depending on the content you will write in that email. when you say some attractive words the chance of traffic will be increased. you can email them individually or group.

6. Landing pages -

               Landing pages are pages that contain any offers of products or some promo codes or discount coupons. Which automatically drives direct traffic to your website. It has a great chance of sharing it. And it will be a chance to make the affiliate program in these types of pages.

7. Paid traffic -

               The last way of making traffic is paid traffic. You would see many offers like $1 for 100k traffic and a lot more on many sites. But most of them are fake. Because they are bot traffic and that's not real. There has to chance to ban your site from google. There are only some sites that gave genuine and real SEO targeting traffic. some of them are Facebook ads, Google AdSense, etc. Which gave real traffic. But always I don't suggest paid ads because it's not profitable.

Today we are discussed about some basic sources of making website traffic. I hope that it will helpful to you and post your suggestion as a comment. we will meet you next time with another topic
so, stay tuned
