blogging with google

                        We will discuss blogging and blogging to make money in the previous article. so I hope that you will get the basics of blogging and blogging with google. to start a blog we need the help of some of these websites. that's chosen by the experts. so today we will discuss the top best blogging sites that are make blogging with google.

                         Hi, friends welcome and today we will discuss top best blogging sites to do blogging with google. before that, you should know how to chose the right site to build your blog and blogging to make money.

                         you can make a blog and blogging with google with cost (premium) or free of cost. so you should know what is the difference between premium and free blog building sites.

Premium blog building site

                                  if you should have enough money to start a professional blog and blogging with google (it will cost at least $10) and you have not much time to spend. I will prefer you to make the blog with premium blog building sites. because it will give the best quality blog to your business or to your passion. you will get stunning times and logos for your blog at it will make much more traffic and SEO for your blog and the main thing is that it would make much easier and beautiful and easy to blogging with google.

Free blog building sites

                                   if you don't have enough money. the only thing you have is a hard-working mind. you have a chance to prove it that through free blog building sites. you can start your blogging with google at $0 cost. you can make it with free themes and free tools. it is not much beautiful and easy. but the expert prefers you to make the blog with free blog building sites.

How to select the site to blog building? (blogging with google

                                    To get the right site for blog building you should review these 5 things in a blog building site.

  •   cost-

                               you should make sure you have enough money to start a     blog. every blog building sites offer different costs for work on it. some of them give free of cost. so it's your choice to choose the best one with a better cost of blogging with google.

  • Features-
                             you have not enough time. you required a site with more features to make changes in your blogs design or add features or delete something, add plugins. so you need a fully-featured blog building site.
  • Maintenance-
                             make sure that your site is maintenance-friendly. if you have any problem with your site or blog you have to take immediate action on it. so you need a maintenance-friendly site to do blogging with google.
  • Work-friendly-
                              when the site is said to be work-friendly that it contains its own tools to make your content unique and attractive. if the site is work-friendly you can easy to make your job.
  • Monetization-
                              The people want to make monitoring their full stats like page views, money earned, total impression, etc. that's made use to make changes on your site. so monetization is a supreme matter to do blogging with google.

so these five things are helpful to make to choose the right site for depending on your skill, goal, and passion.

Now here is the top best blogging site to make blogging with google and the top I choose. here are the small reviews of these top sites. I can explain each and everyone briefly in my upcoming articles.



                                                 This was the best blog site for blogging with google and this will be the most popular blogging platform. About 85% of professional blogs are made with I am sure that you were heard about and it will confuse you. I will remove that confusion after some moments.

it is suitable for-
  • Business blogs  
  • personal blogs
  • online business site 
  • online e-commerce site  
  • the main and the first-class feature of Wordpress is it gives you full control over your site.
  • it is the most customizable one.
  • its offers you that of thousands of themes and design for your site.
  • easy to install in any hosting.
  • it has the best customer support option.
  • it works with google easily. so it is the site everyone prefers to blogging with google.
  • you have to use an average amount to work with it to buy hosting and domain.
Things you need-

           you only want to buy a domain name ($10/year min) and a web hosting ($4/month min) and the other things are absolutely free. but you can make your site more attractive and work-friendly using premium plugins and themes that allowed in Wordpress. 

( I tell one thing in the above that the confusion of and is the free version of and you can make your blog free of cost. but it's a free version so it has its own limitations.)

         2. -        


                                                         This is the best totally free blog site. Blogger is a free blog building site started by google. it is the best platform to start blogging for beginners. this will include both large and small websites. this is 100% free. this is a site started by google. so it is the best one to blogging with google. 

it is suitable for-

  • starter blogs
  • personal blogs
features -

  • the main feature of is that it is totally free of cost. 
  • it is averagely customizable.
  • it has its own themes and templates.
  • no need for a custom domain and web hosting.
  • easy to make blogging with google.

  • it has not fully customizable.
  • it has less quality.
Things you needed -

                     it is fully free of cost so you don't need anything for pay. you can be blogging with google.


                          It is a newly started platform to build small websites and blogs. it makes your web preference via drag and drops and it was the best quality blog building site to blogging with google. you can present your blogging ability here.

it is suitable for-

  • to build small blogs for business websites
  • to make image websites

  • it has to customize beautifully.
  • ability to use external templates and third-party apps.
  • it doesn't need much coding.
  • quick to install.
  • easy to work.
  • it has its own free stock images.
  • it consists of an extra feature to design your site automatically using artificial intelligence.

  • it makes with free so it has limited capability and storage
  • it has limited traffic
  • it consists of six ads and branding
  • you cannot change your template after choosing it.
  • to overcome these drawbacks use the VIP version. but it has a very high cost.
Things you needed -

                        it has its own plans and packages. starting from$13/month for 2GB of bandwidth and 3GB storage plus the ability to connect a custom domain. the expensive plan is $39/month that makes VIP support.


                                            The next and final one is here you can build all kinds of websites. but this is not as easy as Wordpress. it was the best one to blogging with google.

 it is suitable for-

  • business websites
  • technical websites
  • online stares                                                          

  • it very powerful and flexible.
  • used for any type of blog and website.
  • it consists of a lot more professional template.
  • it has more plugins to make easy your job.

  • to use Joomla just know the technical side to make HTML and CSS.
  • it didn't consist of security, backup, etc. it's up to you.  
 Things you needed - 

                         It has free software and its downloads for free. you only want hosting and a domain.

Which one you should select to blogging with google? 

                                               Here we give the pieces of information of 4 best blog building sites. so you have to choose the right one to your passion and preferences and I prefer you to make websites or blogs with self-hosted Wordpress because it is the best one to make blogging with google.

                                               please leave a comment with what is the site you chose.