What is Google AdSense?

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Google AdSense | Google AdSense is an advertising platform developed by Google and Google AdSense will be the best way of earning money online. I said one more thing it will be the cheapest way of advertising in the world. Google AdSense ads give you the best advertising for your business. I will tell you, in the beginning, Google Adsense is the best way of earning money. lets you think that's how. so lets we will come to the point.

Hi, friends welcome to manu tech company. so we will discuss today that about earn money with Google AdSense ads the main three topics that we discussed today, they are :
  • Google AdSense
  • Google AdSense ads
  • Google Adsense account
so lets us discuss seriously. the first thing is,

Google AdSense

                              Google Adsense is an advertising platform by Google which started in the year 2003. their aim is to connect publishers and advertisers. we can advertise through google AdSense to increase our sales and at the same time, we can publish google AdSense ads for making money. if suppose you are a blogger or you have any website, apps, youtube channel e.t.c when you can publish google ads through it and earn money with it. Google AdSense is the easiest and the biggest way of online money earning.

Google AdSense ads

                                we discussed what is Google AdSense. now, lets we discuss about google AdSense ads. Google AdSense assured the best quality and good content ads through our websites. AdSense will give money to the publishers in many ways for publishing ads. when a page visitor will click an ad published on your website then you will get a cost called cost per click (CPC). the CPC is depended on some objects, they are :
  • quality of site
  • quality of ad you have published
  • age of site
  • quality of content you published
  • and the country of the visitors
the CPC is rated from $0.1 - $50

the second one is the cost per mile (CPM ). it will be getting from every 1000 people visited on your page. if you have 5000 visitors a day you will get $5 - $25.

Google AdSense account

                               The third and final thing we discuss the Google AdSense account. one user can only make one account for their whole AdSense process. Google AdSense account needs approval. when you can submit a website for approval. it would be taken to 2 days to 2 weeks for getting approval. before you should submit your google AdSense account for approval make sure that your site is ready for taking ads from Google AdSense. it was a tough job for getting approval for google AdSense. there are many things to follow to getting AdSense approval. will give you more information in my later articles.

 So I wish to understand that you simply should get the fundamentals of blogging. I will offer you more and more information about blogging and other online money earning ways. if you have any suggestions or question please comment on below or send a message to this email: sreesanth@manutechcompany.com and you should visit this website daily for getting new updates on online money earning. if you have a website or blog please drop the link in the comment box to grow your traffic

Hope you are enjoyed


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will be continued ...........,