How to start blogging part 3 


   How to start blogging in blogger part 3 | We will be discussing how to use customized, featured templates on the blogger website.

In the 2nd part, we will be discussing how to set up random templates in the blogger, that will available in the blogger dashboard. so today we are looking into how to use the customized third-party template in blogger.
In Wordpress, it has its own premium template plugins and premium looking themes. But in blogger, we got only some simple templates that do not look so much attractive. So we have to download or buy good looking templates from other websites. There are premium and free version are available on many websites. In the premium version, it is fully customizable, user friendly and we get it's own footer credits. But also in free version contains customizable and user friendly, but it contains its website footer credits and its own advertisement.

For a beginner, the free version is suitable. so today I am teaching one of the best free version template and its set up.
The name of the template is speedily. It has a free and premium version is available. I would paste the link below to download it.

Speedify template:-

Open the link
click free download. Then you got this page.
click download. After downloading it, open that zip file.
click 'speedify free'
Click 'template'
Then right-click on the 'XML document'
Then click 'extract to a specific folder'
After it, you got the above page.
then click to any folder you want to extract and click 'ok'. After that go to your blogger dashboard.
go to the 'theme'
and click restore
click upload

Then select the file you will extract
and click the XML document.
Now your theme was restored then click view your blog to see your template.
This is how to set a free premium looking template in a blogger website, Now you can customize it easily in the layout section. if you have any don't in the customization of this template, please post it as a comment. I am personally using this template for my blogger website and it is truly SEO friendly and AdSense friendly.
So I think now you knew how to set a third party template for a blogger website. in this manner, you can set any template as easy and it will be the best one for the beginners. so for getting new updates notification on this website post your email in the comment box. the fourth part is about domain setting, so don't miss it out. check the blog daily to get daily updates of online money earning strategies.

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