Solo ads

solo ads
      Solo ads | Grow 10 times your affiliate sale by this simple method, read it out to grow affiliate marketing.
I would recently make 3 articles about affiliate marketing with targeting 'what is affiliate marketing', 'How to create an amazon affiliate account', and 'how to merge that's on your website'. If you didn't read it, please read it before reading this article.
Now, you have an affiliate account in Amazon, Flipkart, or any other websites, and you will publish any product link through your websites, social media, emails, etc. But the important thing you need to have, it is sales. you will get commission only after you got sales.

But the problem faced by every beginner is that they don't have many contacts to sell the product. for example:- if suppose, you would have a website for affiliate marketing. but you don't have enough traffic, in social media you don't have enough friends or followers.
Then how can you make sales?
             There is a solution for it, that is solo ads, so today we are discussing solo ads.
so let's start 

What are solo ads?

                         I will explain it in just a few words if you didn't get many sales because of the issue mentioned above. Then you can make the sales with solo ads. solo ads simply say that some people with a lot of social media influence, website traffic, then he can be be made sales for you and he will charge a commission for it. And that would make your affiliate sales into 10 times. 

There are a lot of websites that provide details of these people or you catch them directly. for an average sale, they would charge up to $1 and it will say as cps (cost per sale).

How to do solo ads?

                       To do solo ads, first search for solo ads directory and choose one. in that directory choose your niche or find people related to your niece. there they have there CPS rate and other details, then click 'contact them'.
In this manner, you can do solo ads.

I would personally know that there have 90 % of the beginner affiliate don't have many buyers. so I have highly recommended you to do solo ads in affiliate marketing.

But before choosing solo ads you should study the negative side of solo ads.

The negative side of solo ads

                        There is a negative side on solo ads that is CPV (cost per visit). Yes, they charge an additional cost called CPV. If someone visits that solo ad when they click and visit the product, then you didn't get anything, but the publisher charges an amount from you. so this is the negative side.

Did you choose solo ads for affiliate marketing, please comment below? so these solo ads and these are its main features. so I hope that you, know you should knowing solo ads. for more details and more articles about affiliate marketing, check this section regularly.

Disclaimer: This Website Serves Google's Advertisements 

Is this Practice Recommended by Google Adsense?

I just want to be safe from Invalid Clicks and the Ban of my Adsense Account.

Suggest me some Good Practices to keep Adsense Account Safe?

Even if we didn't click ads but some random person can do it just to ban my Adsense Account.

Recommend some good and Ethical Practices
