Start a blog in blogger

How To Start Blogging | Many of the students, jobless and salaried person, they have to wish to make an extra income or lifetime income through the internet. Most of them choose YouTubing or blogging. But they wouldn't know how to start it correctly. so they want perfect guidance to do it.

From today, we will start a series of articles for the step-by-step guidance for blogging in top blogging sites like WordPress, Blogger, Joomla, etc.

(We will create an article for the topic 'the top blogging sites in 2020' on the blogging section, check it out)

So, at first, we were looking into Blogger. You were heard about it. it is a free blog building site created by Google in the year of 1999. We were highly recommended that blogger is the best blog building site for beginners, because of some reasons they are:
  • It was totally free of cost.
  • Simply featured.
  • Easy to handle.
  • It has its own template.
  • It gives a free domain. (
  • It didn't need web hosting.
But you are an intermediate or an advanced in the blogging field, then you chose heavily featured sites like WordPress, Joomla, etc.
So I will start with 'Blogger' and I will give the guidance for all blogging sites in upcoming articles.

So let us look into,

How to do blogging in blogger websites

This will be a series of articles. so today we started with the beginning of blogger.

so let's start,

At first open

Then click 'create your blog' and sign up with your Gmail ID. After it, you will get a page like this.

Enter your profile name (a name you would like) 'continue to blogger'. Then you will get this page.

Click 'create a new blog'. Then they ask for to select a template you would like. it will easy to change or customize your template in a blogger. I will give you that information in upcoming articles. But now let's click any of one.
Then add your blog title. This title will be visible in search engines where searching your  URL.

After entering the title then enter your URL address. you should only enter the name like 'manutech123'. some names are not available because they are early taken by someone. so you should enter a name with a symbol or number.

When your URL address will be formed as:
(because this is a free domain ( you can add a customized paid domain at later creating it.)

After doing these things then click 'create blog'.
Then google asks for you to make domain, click 'no thanks' at there.

Now your blog was formed

If you want to see your blog, click 'view blog'. then you will get this.

After that, you can search for your URL in google after 5 minutes.

So now we complete the first part of blogging in blogger. so I hope that now you can know how to make a blog in blogger. therefore in the next part, we will discuss much more about blogging in blogger. For that daily check it out the blogging section in
