Affiliate marketing on amazon

                            I hope that you should read the previous article that I make for the affiliate marketing session. Affiliate marketing gets stronger in the upcoming days, so you should read it for future guidance. So today we were discussing the way to make lifetime income with affiliate marketing on Amazon. you know that the Amazon affiliate program is the world's best affiliate marketing service. That's why we are discussing Affiliate marketing on Amazon.
Everyone is wanted to make passive income with small effort or no effort. affiliate marketing is a greater way of making passive income. with my personal experience, I would tell you that you only invest 10-15 hours a week. Then after two or three months of experience, you should make up to $1000/month from affiliate marketing (average). It's a lifetime income, it only grows up and doesn't grow down. So you can make it a lifetime income. But it will don't happen with the common ways, you should follow some advanced ways to make it a lifetime passive income. so we would make this article as 4 parts because it's so lengthy.
So we discussed the 1st and 2nd part with the marketing ways and 3rd and 4rt part as monitoring ways. 

Affiliate marketing on amazon

So let's start the first part
           In this part, we will be discussing the marketing ways (selling ways) of amazon affiliate marketing. in the previous article, I would be telling you about how to publish the affiliate marketing products on your website. I would only say the basics of it because we would make other articles for describing each and everyone briefly, that will come soon as is possible. The marketing ways are divided by two.

So today we would be discussing the 'Social media marketing strategies' of amazon affiliate marketing. There are 4 major social media that I have personally used for affiliate marketing, they are:- Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Youtube.
We would only discuss in just a few words now because I would describe each and everyone briefly in upcoming articles.

1. Facebook-
                           You know that Facebook is the most powerful social media in the last 10 years. so this is among one of the strongest social media marketing platforms. This marketing strategy is best for affiliate marketing because you can promote your product free of cost or with paid ads too. we are discussing some of the ways of 'How to promote your product via Facebook.' (We would make other articles for describing facebook affiliate marketing strategy as briefly.)
  • Post as a general newsfeed-
                                                  You can make newsfeeds with the image of the product. But you should obey this, do not post your product link as a newsfeed. you should post with the image and text and tell your friends to post a comment, then you can reply that comment with your link. 
  • Create a business page for your products-
                                                         Majority of yours pages are personal, let's start a business page, here you can post your link and invite your friends to see it.
  • Join affiliate marketing groups-

                                                         Facebook has a lot of affiliate marketing groups and it has thousands of members. join any of these groups and post your product. there you can get more sales.

2. Pinterest-

                            Someone of you has heard about Pinterest. Yes, it's the strongest social media that started in 2010. With my personal experience. Pinterest gave me more sales than Facebook. It's an image sharing media. You can make boards to pin your photos on Pinterest. (We make an article about Pinterest in upcoming days to know more about Pinterest.)
  • Making boards with different category products-
                                                           You can make boards and pin your product photos on those boards. Each board will contain each category of products.
  • Make more followers-
                                                            You can make more followers, then you got more engagement in your pins (your photos) because you got more followers, then you got more reach to your website.

3. Instagram-

                          Instagram is the same as that of Facebook (typically). It has the same concept as Facebook. Here you got more sales by some advanced tips. (That I can be written in another article). The basic ways are,

  • post your product image-
                                                              You can be made sales by posting the image of your product with more attractively.
  •  make more followers-
                                                               As the same as Instagram, here you should make more followers, get more reach to your post. You can make more followers with more attractive images.

4. Youtube-

                            This one is the last social media I would use for affiliate marketing. in global rank, youtube has 2nd rank to achieve more visitors in a day (first is Google). You can make a lot of sales with youtube in many different ways. Some of them are,
  • Paste your product in the description- 
                                                                 Ship the product that related to your video and pastes them in the description.
  • Affiliate marketing through video-
                                                                You should make a simple video for the affiliate products. But you should follow this one, is that the video would be more attractive.
  • At the end of the video-
                                                                Suppose you make a video about something. You can publish a product related to that video at the end of it, with a duration of 5-10 seconds.

This is the way to make affiliate sales through social media in affiliate marketing on amazon to make a lifetime income. So we hope that you should understand the basics of social media marketing in affiliate marketing. If you have any doubt please comment below. the next article (2nd part) is for Direct digital marketing ways of affiliate marketing. So please don't miss it. to get more strategies of affiliate marketing.

Disclaimer: This Website Serves Google's Advertisements 

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